What to wear for Friday's royal wedding?

Thank God I'm not attending the wedding that's going to be broadcast live around the world so there's no need to scratch my head like crazy to think of what I will really wear for the occasion.
But if I were really going, I'd probably pick a plain little black dress to stay out of the limelight -- at occasions like that, everyone who's anyone will be judged by billions pairs of eyes. It's like strutting down the red carpet of the Oscars times 10. If you dress right, you are fine. But if you are voted to be the worst-dressed person, you are doomed. If you are trying to make a statement on such a day, let me tell you, DON'T! It's not the occasion for that and no one will get your message. Even if you try to make up your reputation by wearing the right dress the next time, you are still the worst-dressed person on that particular day. It's a done deed, a forever stain in your personal history. I'd rather experiment new things on an ordinary day, at least the worst that I got was just "Why are you dressing like Michael Jackson?" And people will forget about it the next day.
And that's not Michael Jackson -- MJ did not wear pearls. They belonged to Jackie Kennedy and Grace Kelly.
And as for this Friday, I'll just wear my normal Friday outfit -- that's the plan for now.
P.S. Evidence of shopping - they call it "the national sport of Hong Kong".